Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Museum: Le Louvre

Here are some shots I took in the Louvre while
there with my art history class.
Every Monday we meet up in the classroom,
 and every wednesday we meet up in a museum.

this is entitled "le verrou" or the lock.
It is about an adulterous couple
see how the light forms a diagonal?
Follow it to the bottom and you'll see an apple.
original sin

I am pretty sure that this is a painting of an aqueduct
in southern france (and if not, let's just pretend)
that I saw when I visited in high school.
How cool to see it here in the louvre?!
And my pictures were as beautiful as this.

really loving this guy's expression; his hat sets it off

one of the corners in the louvre.
another student remarked that we just walk by all these paintings
like it is no big deal, but in the states anyone of them
would be the gem of a museum

this one had a lot of success at the salon of 18??
but I do know that her melancholic stare is due to the fact
that she just lost her virginity.
There are also lots of phallic symbols in this, too.

I just love her back, I feel that it is so captivating!
Anatomically this doesn't make sense,
but this artist often painted extremities to appear more serpentine.

the same figure, in a different painting.
Is it cheating if you painted both works?
I love this painting 
(the background contrasted with her skin, her pose, the light)
But it reminded me of another painting by my favorite artist:
Griselda by Maxfield Parrish

I definitely had a crazy I-feel-like-a-grown-up moment in the Louvre.
I used to have this computer disc where you could explore the louvre.
I don't know how old I was, but I was probably six or so.
I remember this painting (or at least one like this).
It is hard to believe that I am in Paris, studying these paintings,
speaking (heh. trying to) the language...
isn't t amazing where life takes you?

This one also reminded me of a work by Maxfield Parrish:

still loving Paris.

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